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Amirul Sheikh
Amirul Sheikh
A fast-track to improve your English vocabulary - A message from the founder

One of the keys to great communication skills is having a great vocabulary. What if I could open your brain and pour a basket of excellent words that could help improve your communication skill to the highest level? Would you take that? You bet, most would. Unfortunately, that's not possible. No one can open your brain to do just that. However, I'm going to introduce to you a piece of software that can help you garner a lot of useful English words faster than you have done so far. Who am I, and what do I do for a living? I'm a Software Engineer by profession. Growing up in a remote village in India, I always had a limited scope in learning any new language. But, my desire to learn the English language, was undeniable. The key reason is in about 200 years of British rule in India, the English language has become an integral part of India's language fabric. English remained a dominating language in the offices, schools, colleges, and in higher studies; and, it is the language to envy not just in India but all over the world. The English language has a deep root in India. I spoke in English, for the first time when I was in high school, that is 30 years back. Since then I have built a passion for building my English vocabulary. I had notes all over the place. The language skill was not my forte; I was naturally good in Mathematics. Probably, because of that, I have become a Software Engineer. But, my desire to learn a new language was very much alive. When I moved to the United States in the year 2007, I have had an opportunity to associate with many English-speaking natives, observe them, and learn from them all the little nuances of the English language. And, as a member of the Toastmasters club, I was privileged to meet and learn from great communication experts. My drive to become excellent in the English language had never been stronger. As a software engineer, having written complex software for more than 20 years, it dawned on me that I should develop something that could speed up my own English learning ability. First, I was on the lookout for intelligent software that would fulfill what I am looking for. There are lots of good resources online, but I didn't find any intelligent as I would expect. That sounds like engineering arrogance! Isn't it? That's how most Engineers think I guess their work is the best. Then, a few years back, I had started to design and develop this website in my spare time in the evenings and weekends. I was building this for myself. I am the first consumer of this product. In Toastmasters Club, I was fascinated by those English-speaking natives who are in continuous pursuit of improving and polishing their own language skills. This led to a second thought in my mind if this can help me, it would probably help millions of others who are learners just like me; and, why not make this tool available to the people who also can get benefited from it. Whatever your profession is a student, a teacher, or a parent, this website will improve your vocabulary greatly. Even if you are an expert such as a professional writer or a public speaker, we believe, you have something here to benefit from. If you are thinking how in the world a non-native English speaker, who hardly can pronounce anything correctly, and a computer nerd, and having a thick accent can help you learn the English language you are here for a treat, my friend. You will be happy to know that the content in this website is written and edited by English-speaking natives with the English language as their major or minor, and some of them even have had many years of writing experience. I think I did fairly a good job on the engineering side of this website. But most credit goes to those editors who are tirelessly working for you. This site is for those who are committed to Become-Better-Everyday by investing their most precious commodity, that is time, and those who have a strong desire to become a better communicator, like Toastmasters around the world, do. You can find our website by visiting What is lexicon? It's the vocabulary of a person, a language, or a branch of knowledge. I like to end with this quote from Elmer Wheeler, the only Oscar-winning public speaker. He said, “Your first ten words are more important than the next ten thousand.”







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